【同义词辨析】 2017-06-15 真诚sincere-unfeigned

sincere: stresses absence of hypocrisy, feigning, or any falsifying embellishment or exaggeration: offered a ~ apology. (hypocrisy伪善,假装有美德to pretend to be moral,语气很重,专批hypocrites伪君子feign巧妙假装,比pretend有技巧些,如feigned sickness to stay home from class病逃课,embellish细枝末节的装饰,如用花边floral border装饰书页, exaggerate夸张: 说话不合实际不克制,如unable to tell a story without exaggerating讲故事总是夸张)

wholehearted: suggests sincerity and earnest devotion without reservation or misgiving: promised our ~ support to the cause.  事业   (earnest认真投入sincere devotion,如an earnest student一个认真的学生,海明威全名Earnest Hemmingway)     (misgiving疑虑uneasiness and mistrust, 如had misgiving about him from the start开始就对他有疑虑)  

heartfelt: suggests depth of genuine feeling outwardly expressed: a gift that expresses our ~ gratitude.  (gratitude感谢感恩和thanks意思相同但较正式, 如伊索寓言Androcles安德罗克勒斯的寓意是gratitude is the sign of noble souls感恩是高尚灵魂的标志)

hearty: suggests honesty, warmth, and exuberance in the display of feeling: received a ~ welcome at the door.

unfeigned: stresses spontaneity and absence of pretense or simulation: her ~ delight at receiving the award. (simulate仿真: 高度逼真的模仿,没有贬义,如the training chamber simulates a weightless atmosphere训练室模仿(仿真)了失重环境)

sincere真诚: 强调不伪善假装修饰夸张,wholehearted全心全意: 真诚认真地投入没有保留疑虑(to serve the people wholeheartedly ~为人民服务), heartfelt深深的: 形容深入(depth),hearty热忱: 表示诚实温暖洋溢,unfeigned溢于言表: 强调自发(spontaneous即没人要求催促),没有假装模仿

记忆方法: 1)首字母SWHHU想成好坏无所谓(U)<==真诚最重要     "",从言成声,本义是"诚实真实无妄",如真诚诚实忠诚诚心诚意 ;可作为副词,仍表示"真实真正",如诚然诚如心悦诚服。从构成上看,"言"作形旁表示其本义与言语有关,多半由言语表达,"成"的本义为成就完成,用在这里表示真实无妄必须是完成、真实的东西,不能是未完的、虚假的。

         2)真诚的意思是诚恳真实表达情感mean genuine in feeling or expression. (genuineauthentic更突出真诚真实,如genuine piety真诚的同情,比较an authentic story真实故事)